Tejasswi Prakash, who plays the lead in the hit TV drama Naagin, has taken delivery of a brand new Audi Q7. Television stars and high-end automobiles have a long history of coexisting. In India, we’ve seen a slew of actors and cricketers with a collection of high-end luxury vehicles. This is simply another name to add to that illustrious list. In this video, the actress is seen with her boyfriend, Big Boss finalist Karan Kundra, taking delivery of the premium luxury SUV.
After winning Bigg Boss, the reality show’s champion has earned the lead role in Naagin. The video captures her enthusiasm and her feelings as she receives the Q7. She is shown posing with the luxurious SUV, which has alloy wheels and a front chrome grille that she clearly enjoys. Karan Kundra is also seen taunting her by inquiring about the vehicle’s name. Tejasswi then takes a seat in the driver’s seat for a couple more photos. She applies vermillion in the form of Swastik in the engine compartment and breaks a coconut to ward off evil vibes near the end of the film to attract positive vibes and enjoy the auspicious event.
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The Audi Q7
The Audi Q7 is equipped with a potent 3.0liter TFSI engine that produces 335 horsepower and 500 Nm of peak torque. This engine is connected to an Audi Quattro all-wheel-drive system and an 8-speed torque converter automatic transmission. The adaptive air suspension is standard on all Q7 models. Despite weighing over 2,200 kg, the premium SUV has a remarkable 0-100 km/h acceleration time of 5.9 seconds. The Q7 has a top speed of 250 km/h. Ex-showroom, it costs between Rs 80 lakh and Rs 90 lakh.
The tendency of Indian TV or Bollywood superstars to spend a lot of money on fancy cars and bring them home is unlikely to fade away anytime soon. We’ll keep you updated on which celebrity in India has purchased a new luxury car.
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