On Tuesday, actor Shraddha Kapoor observed Dussehra in a unique manner compared to others. Shraddha recently purchased a fancy new automobile, which she drove to the event. Shraddha welcomed a red Lamborghini Huracan Tecnica, estimated to be valued at ₹4.8 crore, home.
Pooja Choudary of Lamborghini Mumbai posted a photo of herself and Shraddha Kapoor in front of the red Lamborghini along with a letter. “Today marks a truly special moment for me,” the writer stated. As we are ready to present a Huracán Tecnica to the extraordinarily gifted Shraddha Kapoor, I find myself overcome with emotion as I reminisce about the trip I took to establish this company over the years. This is a historic first for Mumbai: a Lamborghini sold to an extraordinary woman.”
“A supercar is never just a car; it’s a symbol of breaking barriers and pursuing your dreams fearlessly,” Pooja continued, calling Shraddha’s journey “inspiring.” And it fills me with pride on many levels to be giving its keys to a woman of her caliber. Every young girl out there should be motivated to aim high by Shraddha’s journey.