Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Dubai (UAE) Truck Driver Salary – How Much do Truck Drivers Earns ?

  • Salaried truck drivers in UAE are usually given a monthly base salary of AED 2000
  • Drivers who work on commission basis earn up to AED 500 per trip

How to become a Truck driver in UAE?

A valid truck driver’s licence and a valid residence visa are required to become a truck driver. The employing company usually arranges the residence visa based on the number of available slots. It is important to note, however, that the employee will be responsible for the costs associated with the residence visa. Employers typically deduct a portion of the monthly salary until the visa cost is repaid. The cost of a residence visa remains between 6000 and 8000 AED, depending on the number of available slots in a company. This includes the cost of the medical examination as well as the Emirates ID.

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If the driver has a truck driver’s license, he can begin working immediately after the residence visa is stamped. People who do not have a valid licence must go through training and testing before they can get their licence. The applicant must be over the age of 21 to apply for this licence. Obtaining a truck driver’s licence usually costs between 7000 and 8000 AED. This roughly translates to 1.5 to 1.8 lakhs.

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Salaried Employees

Truck drivers typically earn between 1800 and 2000 AED per day, depending on the company. Companies also provide accommodation allowances ranging from 300 AED to 500 AED. Salaried drivers receive lower commissions and are usually assigned shorter routes. Their commissions typically range from 30 AED to 90 AED per trip (this amount varies as per the distance). Overall, salaried drivers earn between 3000 and 4000 AED per month, depending on the season. (mytravelintuscany)

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Working on Commission

Truck drivers who work solely on commission do not receive a fixed salary. Instead, they are paid solely based on the distance they travel. As a result, such drivers are frequently seen on long-distance trips. These trips frequently involve crossing international borders, and the drivers are on the road for extended periods of time. The per-trip commissions range from 300 AED to 500 AED, and such drivers frequently earn in the region of 6000 AED per month. This figure, however, varies according to the season.

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