Modified Rolls-Royces are rare and far between, and for good reason. One reason for this is that Rolls-Royce currently provides clients with customised choices to make their vehicles genuinely distinctive. Another, and perhaps more convincing, reason is that modifying a Rolls-Royce may result in you being barred from purchasing another one.
But it didn’t stop one 2004 Rolls-Royce Phantom owner from converting it into a beast of a car – a 6×6 modification that looks ready for a Mad Max sequel. While we’ve seen a lot of wild 6×6 conversions previously, such as the Apocalypse Dark Horse Ford Bronco 6×6, this Phantom 6×6 is by far the most outrageous.

Danton Arts Kustoms did the conversion. To increase the Phantom’s length, the French business had to cut the car from the back door, utilise the body of a 2005 BMW 7 Series as an extension, and also use the 7er’s rear axle for the second pair of wheels.

As shown in the video above, the ultimate product is an off-road monster with aluminium expanded fenders, yellow lights (and light bar), and a pair of 24-inch wheels. It’s something we didn’t expect from a Rolls-Royce. Is the world insane? We believe so.

Apart from the re-leathered upholstery and a few bits of crocodile and snake leathers in the front cabin, there isn’t much aftermarket alteration inside. The automobile even has its original suicide doors, as well as the traditional Rolls-Royce umbrella tucked inside behind the door panels.
The same is true beneath the hood, where the 453-hp 6.7-liter V12 engine is housed. Apart from the new glitter, it hasn’t been altered in any way.
Source: Supercar Blondie via YouTube