Top 5 Must Watch Movies About Motorcycling
Talking about motorcycles, reading about motorcycles, daydreaming about motorcycles, viewing photographs of motorcycles, deciding which motorcycle to buy next, and watching television programmes and motion pictures about motorcycles are all on the list.For many of us, that pretty much sums it up, so we thought we should share five motorcycle-related films you really must see to pass the time when you’re not doing all the other stuff. Even if you’ve seen them all before, you might learn something new from this.
5. Long Way Round

The ideal buddy film. Two longtime friends resolve to escape their respective rat races and ride around the world starting in London and travelling through northern Europe, across Russia, to Alaska, and finally ending up in New York. It helps that Charley Boorman and Ewan McGregor both have endearing on-screen personalities, but what truly distinguishes this series is the journey itself—the locations they visit, the people they meet, the scenery, the challenges they face, the victories they experience, and the way it inspires you to get up from your chair and try it for yourself.
4. TT3D; Closer to the Edge

The 2010 Isle of Man TT races are described as viewed through the eyes of the principal characters, with Guy Martin—the most colourful racer—getting particular attention. Even if you might need to put on the subtitles to understand him, in a small group of mavericks, he is probably the most unconventional and entertaining. The movie vividly illustrates how extraordinarily talented these athletes must be to not only compete on the 37.75-mile course and live, but also to have even a remote chance of winning. The film does not hold back when discussing the danger, and it portrays the men and women that race there as the true heroes that they are.
3. On Any Sunday

Okay, so it’s a no-brainer, but how could this movie not be on any list? It was produced in 1971 by Bruce Brown and stars Mert Lawwill, Malcolm Smith, Steve McQueen, and a sizable ensemble cast. The movie displays the variety of motorcycle sports that may be played on any given weekend throughout the world. It is breathtaking in its variety and superbly shot. One of those films that makes you take your motorcycle out of the garage and simply go for a ride in order to feel a part of the lovely motorcycle community.
2. The World’s Fastest Indian

Grassy and brash New Zealander Burt Munro spent 20 years altering his 1920 Indian Scout to drive as fast as possible before ultimately succeeding at Bonneville in 1967. His inspiring story is told in the book The Speed Demon. An outstanding portrayal of Munro by Anthony Hopkins, and a fantastic tale of one man’s fixation with speed above all else. You can excuse it if it’s not always historically accurate since it’s so entertaining.
1. Why We Ride

A pretty excellent piece of filmmaking that tries to convey the enthusiasm of riding a motorcycle. It was shot all throughout the country and interviews bikers from diverse backgrounds in an effort to learn more about their love. It doesn’t matter if it is successful because it is visually stunning. There is no narrator; instead, the characters tell their own stories, which are greatly enhanced by the images. Inspirational.